Register your news page

Get access to opportunities so you can grow your news business. Learn more below.


Distinguish your Page

Validate with Meta that your business is an authentic news source through a vetted review process.

Access tools made for you

One application can get you access to multiple tools designed for news publishers.

Create better products

Test news products so we can get critical feedback from you and develop products together.

Registering your news Page gives you access to opportunities to grow your news business.

Validate that your Page is a news source and qualify for tools that help build your news brand, expand your reach and develop an audience with Meta technologies. News Page registration is a gateway to growth possibilities with Meta.

Learn about products available to qualified registered news Pages.

Learn More

Get started


Add your website to your Facebook Page

The website should lead to the news content featured on your Page.


Verify your business

Business verification allows Meta to check the authenticity of an organization so Meta can grant it access to the features it needs. Business Manager administrators can do this in Business Manager.


Verify your website's domain

Domain verification confirms that your news business has ownership of the domain listed on your Facebook Page. Business Manager administrators can do this in Business Manager.


Submit your application

Submission is just a few clicks in Business Manager. Business administrators who have access to the Page in Business Manager can submit an application.


Tell Meta more about your publication

Share optional information about your Page, like logos and editorial policies, to give people more background about the publishers and articles they see on Facebook.


Grant Meta access to your paywall content

For publishers with paywalls, your webmaster or the team managing your paywall will need to give access to the news content on your website as part of the review process.

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5 benefits of registering your Facebook news Page

Growing on Facebook starts with registering your News Page. Want to access features that can help deepen your relationship with subscribers? Test and guide development of Facebook news products? Extend your content’s reach beyond your Facebook news Page? It all starts with registration.

Below are 5 benefits news publishers may access after registering — and how to get started. All Facebook Pages that publish journalism (not satire or parody) are encouraged to register as a news Page on Facebook, once available in your market. If you’re ready to get started:

Read these guidelines first to see if you qualify to register your news Page.

See if we support registration in your publishing language. We will continue to expand to more languages.

Make sure your Page has verified its business and domain.

Submit your application through Business Manager. Any business administrator with access to a Page in Business Manager can submit an application.

You may get access to policies just for news publishers, such as an exemption from Facebook’s policy about social issues, elections and political ads.

This exemption, only available to registered publishers who meet additional criteria, allows you to skip the authorization process when running Facebook ads that promote non-opinion editorial content on these topics. Exempted publishers are also not required to label these ads with a “paid for by” disclaimer or have the ads appear in the Issue, Electoral or Political section of the Meta Ad Library for 7 years.

Your stories can appear in destinations for news on Facebook.

If you’re a qualified registered publisher and satisfy additional criteria, you may be eligible to have your stories appear in spaces on Facebook for news, including Facebook News, a dedicated place for news that is rolling out in different markets, and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center on Facebook, a hub of local news and health information created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You may get access to Facebook products that engage subscribers.

To help drive your subscription business forward, some Facebook company products and features focused on strengthening customer communication are now open to registered news publishers. These include Messenger’s news messaging capability, which allows publishers to send non-promotional messages to subscribers such as breaking news updates, and WhatsApp Business API, a secure way to connect with your subscribers regarding their accounts.

You can guide development of Facebook news products.

After registering a news Page, publishers can join beta tests of our new products or features for news organizations (additional criteria may be required to participate).

You’ll help Facebook better understand news publishers’ needs and better serve the news industry at large.

News Page registration helps Facebook identify the full and diverse ecosystem of news Pages on the platform and distinguishes the work of news publishers from all other Pages on Facebook. This identification process helps Facebook create better tools for news publishers.

Learn more about news Page registration

Products available to qualified registered news pages

Registered news Pages may be eligible for products and policies specifically designed for news publishers.