
Discover content, measure social performance and identify influencers.

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We recently announced that CrowdTangle will no longer be available after August 14, 2024. Please see our FAQ for more information.

Monitor public information with CrowdTangle. Get more transparency into how information is spreading on social media with new tools from CrowdTangle.

Benchmark performance using Intelligence

Compare your account to others and measure performance.

Get Email Digests and Viral Alerts

Immediately be notified of viral alerts and get email digests of top posts from your favorite lists.

Discover New Content

Build custom lists to follow certain accounts and find new content for newsgathering.

CrowdTangle Features

Content discovery

Never miss a big moment! Whether it's an internal viral hit, breaking international news, a heartwarming hyperlocal story, or the competition's big post of the day, you'll know about it.

Competitive analysis

Easily compare yourself to the rest of your industry, rank your own affiliated properties, and discover other influential accounts, across all the major social platforms.

Identify influencers

We make it simple to see who has posted links to your stories or anyone else's. Identify the most influential referrers over time and see what they're saying about each story.

How do I get access to CrowdTangle?

Anyone can immediately access our most popular feature that's publicly available. It's our Link Checker Chrome Extension and it makes it really easy to see how often a link has been shared, who shared it and even what they said.

Learn to use CrowdTangle

Introduction to CrowdTangle: Get to Know Your Data

Learn how to find news stories on Facebook and Instagram, monitor top performing content, analyse your performance and develop your posting strategy.

Introduction to News Feed, Community and CrowdTangle

Topics covered include: News feed, Facebook News Tab, Journalism safety, Community and Facebook Groups, CrowdTangle for Journalists

Explore more content related to CrowdTangle
