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Facebook IQ: Digital Research and InsightsFacebook IQ: Digital Research and Insights

The Creative Behaviors of 2020’s Breakthrough Brands

Facebook's Creative Shop analyzed some of the strongest recent campaigns on our platforms. Explore the creative strategies these innovative agencies and advertisers are leveraging to build enduring connections and drive exceptional results.

Forward-thinking agencies and advertisers are constantly innovating on our platforms, developing fresh and compelling campaigns that build lasting connections and drive exceptional results. And while each of these is unique, they often use similar approaches to break through.

What are some of the common creative strategies that breakthrough brands are leveraging? To find out, Facebook's Creative Shop analyzed some of the most effective recent campaigns from around the world on our platforms. This creativity-focused, data-backed examination—part art and part science—revealed six key behaviors with measurable business impacts. Each of these strategies is both enduringly effective and highly relevant right now as agencies and brands navigate the many changes wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below we briefly explore these six breakthrough creative behaviors, provide an example of each and highlight key learnings for agencies and advertisers. In the full report, Breakthrough Brands 2020: Six Creative Behaviors for Driving Business Impact, we look at the measurable business impact of each strategy, provide more examples and delve deeper into how you can break through.

Open a dialogue

1.Open a dialogue

People come to Facebook's platforms with the desire to discover, connect and express. Campaigns that cater to these needs by opening a dialogue—by delivering creative that enables people to see, try on and identify with ideas—often drive stronger results.

This innovative campaign from food brand Lay's took dialogue to the next level by utilizing Facebook's augmented reality capabilities. It enabled users to easily post selfies, learn about the nonprofit Operation Smile, share inspirational stories and express support for the cause.

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When developing a campaign, consider how to invite the audience to participate. Can you use platforms like Messenger to build stronger connections through one-to-one interactions? Is it possible to enable people to weigh in on the idea/topic of the campaign through tools like polls?

Cultivate culture

2.Cultivate culture

Facebook's platforms are the front door of culture, where people see and experience what's happening around them. Campaigns at the forefront are building ideas and creating artifacts that not only capture the current zeitgeist, but weave into it.

This innovative interactive campaign from beverage brand Fanta didn’t just buy the rights to popular music. Instead, it provided consumers with the tools they needed to write their own hits, turning the audience into active creators of culture rather than passive listeners.

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Think about how your campaign can create cultural artifacts. Does the idea lend itself well to meme culture? Can you tap into a community of relevant creators and influencers? Which conversations are people already having that you can naturally participate in?

Serve others

3.Serve others

Facebook's platforms empower anyone to advocate for a better world, and advertisers are not just able to use their voices for the benefits of others—they're expected to. Breakthrough campaigns are finding creative ways to address important issues and spark action.

Nonprofit World Wildlife Fund (WWF) used haunting visuals in this thought-provoking interactive Halloween-themed campaign to highlight the stories of those who can’t speak for themselves, such as the critically endangered northern white rhinoceros.

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As you're developing your campaign, consider which issues matter to your audience that you can authentically champion. Then find ways to creatively highlight these causes and advocate for change. Can you use approaches like AR and VR to engage people and compel action?

Astound communities

4.Astound communities

Community lies at the heart of the experience on Facebook’s platforms, with people seeking to deepen connections and share their passions with others. Brands that understand, amplify and astound communities are building lasting bonds.

By taking the time to understand the challenges facing its community, travel brand Goibibo was able to discover pressing needs—such as struggles for unmarried couples with finding couple-friendly rooms in India. It then developed an unconventional multiformat, multiplatform campaign advocating for real change.

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Think about the daily struggles your audiences face and how you can provide novel solutions. Can you demonstrate an empathetic understanding through community engagement and useful tools? What can you do to show that you're listening and here to help?

Break the mold

5.Break the mold

People on Facebook’s platforms constantly surprise each other with new ways of expression and connection. Advertisers that break through are creating equally innovative campaigns that challenge assumptions and defy well-established norms.

Auto brand Ford broke through by challenging long-held industry stereotypes about gender with this boundary-pushing, adrenaline-pumping campaign. This approach not only engaged audiences and sparked excitement, but also built stronger and deeper connections.

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First, consider the most common clichés in your category. Next, think about how you can challenge and subvert these. Can you portray people in atypical ways? What executional norms can be reinvented? How can you flip expectations so that your campaign feels truly fresh?

Push the purpose

6.Push the purpose

Facebook’s platforms are the heart of expression for many. Breakthrough advertisers are finding common ground with people’s personal brands and highlighting how their products and services serve a higher purpose.

Feminine products brand Stayfree built strong connections with this smart and supportive effort. The campaign not only highlighted common challenges facing its community, but also served a higher purpose by utilizing Facebook’s platforms to provide a safe space for conversation.

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Think about how you can play a deeper role in people's lives. How can your campaign reinforce what makes you different and also serve a greater good? Are there ways to tap into something insightful about your audience and deliver a creative idea that feels personally relevant?

A key thing to note is that these six breakthrough behaviors are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the analysis found the more behaviors advertisers employ, the stronger the business impact.

Given that, consider not just the specific behaviors covered here but also the broader idea each is part of. Ultimately, in order to break through, think about how you can develop an overarching strategy built on understanding the needs of people, supporting these needs with your purpose, bringing ideas to life in innovative ways that show what makes you different and creating a dialogue between you and your communities.

To see more examples of creative at the forefront of Facebook's platforms and to explore the business impact of these strategies in-depth, check out the full report: Six Creative Behaviors for Driving Business Impact

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What it means for marketers

What it means for marketers

  • Build connections with communities

    Communication isn't one-way for breakthrough advertisers. Work to consistently engage communities, understand the zeitgeist and take action based on what you learn.

  • Don't be afraid to take chances

    Creative that drives exceptional results is often outside the norm. Seek out ways to astound by delivering innovative creative that enables people to see, touch, try on and identify with ideas.

  • Have a greater purpose

    People increasingly expect brands to use their voices for the benefit of others. Find authentic ways to address important issues and spark action.

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