Facebook IQ: Digital Research and InsightsFacebook IQ: Digital Research and Insights

June 20, 2017

Shifts for 2020: Multisensory Multipliers

Explore how new technologies will amplify one of our oldest instincts—the drive to communicate.


    Video and voice and VR—oh my!

    The funny thing about the future of communication is that it will, in a sense, be circular.

    We can see that visuals are now vital. We hear that voice is on the rise. And these evolving communication patterns almost recall a time before writing existed. Only in the future, our visuals will appear not on cave walls but within VR headsets, and our voice commands will be processed through AI.

    In fact, by 2020, over 75% of the world's mobile data traffic will be video.1 In Australia and Indonesia alike, over 70% of mobile phone internet users are expected to use a messaging app.2 And through the power of voice, nearly 1 in 3 web browsing sessions is predicted to take place without a screen.3

    The future is full of opportunity to not just raise but redefine people’s shifting expectations. To help steer you where people are headed—so you can accelerate your own rate of change and secure relevance in a fast-changing world—Facebook IQ has launched the new “Shifts for 2020” series. In this second installment, we look at five tech-driven shifts that will change the way we connect, come together and create community.


    1. TL;DR

    The average attention span is said to now be shorter than that of a goldfish.4 But that's only half the story. As people are exposed to a continuous and ever-growing stream of information, our ability to consume it has sped up. And as both findings are even more pronounced among younger generations, the future will be fast.

    Mobile makes us faster

    In News Feed, people consume a given piece of content faster on mobile than on a computer5

    People consume content faster on mobile than on computers

    Facebook IQ Source: Facebook data, Q3 2015.

    In mobile feed

    People spend an average of1.7slooking at a given piece of content5

    Younger people scroll2xfaster than older generations5

    People can recall content after seeing it for just60.25s

    Mobile video explosion

    2. Mobile video explosion

    The world’s appetite for video is undeniable. The appeal of video also seems to be biological. And as we look ahead, we see mobile and Millennials fueling the continued growth of video—especially as global connectivity becomes faster, screens get better and both become more affordable.

    Among people surveyed across the UAE and UK771%say their online video viewing has increased over the past year

    People are 1.5xmore likely to watch video daily on a smartphone than on a computer

    Millennials are 1.35xmore likely than older generations to say they find it easier to focus when watching videos on mobile

    People gaze People gaze5.0xlonger at video than static content across Facebook and Instagram8

    On Instagram, people gaze On Instagram, people look2.2xlonger at cinemagraphs than static images8

    Video on Instagram elicitsVideo on Instagram inspires1.8xhigher levels of joy among viewers than the same content across other platforms9

    Among people surveyed in the US1030%of mobile shoppers say video is the best medium for discovering new products

    Millennials are1.35xmore likely than Boomers
    to feel that way

    Among Australians surveyed1148%say they've made a purchase after watching a branded video

    Among people surveyed in Australia, France, Germany, the UK and US60%expect the amount of social video they watch to continue rising over the next year12

    Image placeholder
    Going live

    3. Going live

    People have long sought to share in moments and experiences together, even when not physically together. And thanks to new technology, people will be able to do this in more heightened, multisensory, collective and simultaneous ways than ever.

    All together now

    Daily watch time for Facebook Live broadcasts grew 4xover the course of a year13

    On Facebook1 in 5videos is now a live broadcast13

    On Messenger people played1.5B Instant Games together in the first
    90 days of 201714

    Fluid realities

    4. Fluid realities

    Some say the mixed reality movement took off with Pokémon Go. But it's really just getting started, and we are at the dawn of the next wave of computing. From gaming to documentary storytelling to inspiring social good, the possibilities for creating empathy, connection and transportive experiences will only continue to grow. And even as the lines between augmented reality, augmented virtuality, mixed reality and virtual reality blur, people's enthusiasm and expectations for the future of reality seem increasingly clear.

    The distinction between VR and AR will vanish ... The real and virtual worlds will just mix and match throughout the day, according to our needs.

    Michael Abrash

    Chief Scientist, Oculus

    People already anticipate a meaningful role for mixed reality

    68%see VR becoming part of
    everyday life15

    54%think VR will mean people never have to miss an important event15

    51%are excited about VR as part of
    their shopping experience15



    checking out travel destinations and hotels15



    trying on clothes or makeup15



    taking a car for a test drive15



    attending concerts or other events15

    Instagram Hot Topics United States February 2017Instagram Hot Topics United States February 2017

    59%of people surveyed across Nigeria, South Korea, the UK and US could see themselves using VR to hang out with friends who are far away15

    93%of participants in a US lab experiment who had just met someone virtually said they liked their virtual conversation partner16

    Catering to context

    5. Catering to context

    While the continued rise of visuals seems inevitable, there’s also a bigger picture here—and it involves our other senses. People will want or need to engage with content, services and their environment through a variety of mediums. You could "watch" a video at work by listening to just the audio or alternatively, go “sound off” and simply read closed captions. You could call your salon to make an appointment—or choose to do it silently through Messenger. People like options and will appreciate the flexibility to engage in a way that suits their needs at any given moment.

    Talk to me

    People surveyed around the world are increasingly using voice-enabled digital assistants17









    The case for quiet

    People surveyed in the US say they tend to use voice assistants where they can't be heard18

    51%At home

    39%In the car

    6%In public

    1%At work

    What it means for marketers

    Marketer shifts

    People will expect experiences to be optimized for efficiency (think emojis or messaging) or immersiveness (think VR or in-store experiences). And because people are inherently social creatures, context will always determine what works where. Make use of multiple senses and give people options to use depending on context.

    • Deliver on people's need for speed with mobile video:

      Attention may be scarce, but impact can be created quickly with the right creative assets. Capture your customer's eye with video built for mobile—creative that instantly rewards attention and makes its message known within seconds. And as people's mobile viewing patterns evolve, consider planning around three types of experiences: “on the go” (short and snackable), “lean forward” (interactive) and “lean back” (immersive).

    • Measure results, not seconds:

      Learn to get granular to get results. Measure business value and results on a per-creative, per-platform, per-audience basis. Your ability to measure the right things properly will be key to your mobile advertising success. Strive to test and measure ads weekly, build organizations that can turn creative around nimbly and cost-effectively, and empower creative, measurement, and media teams to work as one.

    • Consider “reality planning” in your comms planning:

      Explore emerging technology through the principles of channel planning. Right now, you can prepare for the shift to VR by leveraging 360 photo and video to extend your creative across more channels and to a wider audience than through VR devices alone. And for future inspiration, consider a question that Mark Zuckerberg asked at F8 this year: “How many of the things that we have in our lives actually don't need to be physical?”

    Next in People Insights

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