Ads in Marketplace

Ads in Marketplace

Get better results by extending your ads to a new placement

Create an Ad

People come to Facebook Marketplace to discover and purchase products in their local communities and from businesses — and there are millions of interactions between buyers and sellers in Marketplace every day.

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Reach your customers where they actively shop

You can now extend your Facebook ads from News Feed to Marketplace to achieve your objectives where people actively shop. People will see your ads alongside other relevant products and services in Marketplace and have the option to click to your website or app for more information.

Easily scale ads with automatic placements

You can easily scale your ads across the entire Facebook family of apps and services, leveraging the same creative, targeting and optimization. When setting up your Facebook campaign, you'll have the option to enable automatic placements which will allow your Facebook ad to appear across Facebook News Feed, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, Messenger and the Audience Network.

Get more efficient outcomes

When advertising across the entire Facebook family of apps and services, you can reach your customers wherever they are, giving you more opportunities to efficiently achieve your results. In a Facebook IQ study, we found that audiences who saw impressions across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network had conversion rates of 8x higher than audiences only exposed to a single placement on Facebook.1

And based on Facebook Research conducted in 2019, opting in to News Feed and Marketplace generally saw a lower cost per incremental lift for mid funnel brand metrics than just News Feed alone. Furthermore, consumer perceptions of brand favorability and brand quality remained neutral or positive.

How to get started

Marketplace will appear as a placement option if your ad is eligible for Marketplace. To learn more about ads in Marketplace, visit the Help Center.

Marketplace will appear as a placement option if your ad is eligible for Marketplace.

Select automatic placements to extend your ads across all eligible placements across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and the Audience Network.

Marketplace will appear as a placement option if your ad is eligible for Marketplace.

Implement the Facebook pixel and/or SDK to measure actions taken on your website or app.

Marketplace will appear as a placement option if your ad is eligible for Marketplace.

Use the ads reporting tool to measure and optimize the performance of your campaigns.