believe in best


iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, or later with iOS 12.1 or later.

eSIMs cost the same as a physical ALIV sim.

If you are switching to a new phone you will need to visit an ALIV store to be issued a new eSIM.

Yes, if your device is unlocked you may use an eSIM with a physical SIM from another carrier.

Yes, your eSIM is compatible with roaming in most destinations, such as the USA and Canada. If you plan to travel Internationally, it is recommended to use a physical SIM card.

You must visit an ALIV store if you upgrade your device.

no, you cannot. Like a physical SIM, an eSIM can only be installed on one device.

you can delete your eSIM from your phone through the phone settings, or by resetting your phone to factory settings. This is recommended before selling your phone. In case of accidental deletion, be sure to keep your receipt with the QR code. You may re-scan the code to re-install the eSIM onto the original phone.

Data, however, you may notice reduced speeds.

To purchase an eSIM, visit an Aliv store nearest you. You can purchase an eSIM compatible device from ALIV or bring your own device.

After purchase, ALIV will you with an activation QR Code or a specific eSIM activation process.  Follow these steps to install your eSIM


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