FJP Community Network Grant Winner: The Washington Informer

28 Januari 2020

The Funded Project:

Offer local students who lack access to journalism programs , an opportunity to inform and participate in Washington Informer coverage through internships that include video, podcasting and digital writing skills.

Grant Amount:


In Their Own Words:

The Washington Informer is located in a food, financial, and news desert that is most often described by local media and policymakers as the most impoverished community in the nation’s capital. Still, for the past 39 years of our 55 years of existence, when The Washington Informer moved from downtown Washington, D.C., to Ward 8 in Southeast, we have continued to report weekly on the “good news” in this community. It is the news that provides a sense of pride among local residents. We realize now that as local residents rely more on their mobile devices, that it would benefit them and us, for the Informer to adopt video and audio news gathering and reporting techniques to help to continue to tell their untold stories. This grant will allow us to purchase equipment, build a small studio and create platforms that residents can access along with our reporters to express their views – i.e. podcasts and videos – in an engaging environment right in their own community, a facility that heretofore has been non-existent. We also know that none of the local middle or high schools offer journalism in their curricula. The grant will allow us to expand our print and digital journalism high school and college internship program offered through our non-profit Washington Informer Charities. We hope to broaden our reach, give local residents a voice and impact policy by producing high-quality local video news content focusing on this underserved community.

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Meta Journalism Project bekerja sama dengan media berita di seluruh dunia untuk memperkuat hubungan antara jurnalis dengan komunitas yang mereka layani. MJP juga membantu mengatasi tantangan bisnis utama industri berita, melalui pelatihan, program, dan kemitraan.