Keyword Search Tips

Keyword Search Box

You can find the search box on the upper right side of most pages on
site search image for

To search for a document, type a few descriptive words in the keyword search box, and press the Enter key or click the magnifying glass. A results page appears with a list of documents and web pages that are related to your search terms, with the most relevant search results appearing at the top of the page. By default, only pages that include all of your search terms are returned. So to broaden or restrict the search, include fewer or more terms. You do not need to include "and" between the terms.

Phrase Search

Search for exact phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks (example: "help for crime victims"). Search results will be returned that are specific to the phrase entered.


Searches on are not case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you enter them, are handled as lower case. For example, “help for crime victims” and “Help for Crime Victims” return the same results.

Effective Search Terms

Specific words and multiple search terms may help refine your search and provide more valuable results than general or single search terms.