Seller Distribution On Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shopping with Checkout

For sellers to start selling on Facebook Marketplace or Instagram Shopping with Checkout, there are few steps that required by platforms or sellers.

Facebook Marketplace Distribution

Contact your Facebook representative to add your sellers to the allow list to apply for Facebook Marketplace distribution. Once this is done, your sellers will see the opportunity in the Commerce Manager Settings Sales Channel management section to activate marketplace:

After a seller clicks Activate Marketplace, the request is reviewed by the Facebook Ops team and the result is displayed here.

Alternatively, you can use the Marketplace approval API to verify a seller eligibility.

Instagram Shopping with Checkout Distribution

Contact your Facebook representative to add your sellers to the allow list to apply for Instagram Shopping with Checkout. We are working on an Instagram experience that will allow your sellers to apply directly. Once this is done, the Commerce Manager experience for onboarding will include Instagram:

If a seller is already onboarded, an Instagram channel becomes available in the Commerce Manager > Settings > Sales Channel section:

After selecting and saving an Instagram account, the seller should see their account linked in the Sales Channels.