Facebook App Event Tracking Guides

Guides to help you perform common actions to track events that users make in your app or web page.

Documentation Contents

Cookie Consent Resource

Outlines general context and resources to help our partners meet cookie consent requirements.

Advanced Matching Guide

Explains how to send customer data to Facebook to match with Facebook user data.

Collaborative Ads Event Tracking for Android

Explains how to track App Events for Android collaborative ads.

Collaborative Ads Event Tracking for iOS

Explains how to track App Events for iOS collaborative ads.

GDPR Compliance Guide

Explains how to implement consent mechanisms to meet the legal obligations under EU data protection law and our Business Tools Terms.

Codeless App Event Tracking Guide

Explains how to use the Events Manager to add or remove app events without implementing code or releasing a new version of your app.

Tracking Events from Hybrid Mobile Apps Guide

Explains how to use App Events for a native Android or iOS web app by converting Facebook pixel events into app events.

SDK Upgrade Guide

Explains how to upgrade your mobile app to the latest version of the Facebook SDK.