Tools to Use with Video on Facebook: Series and Playlists

27. Januar 2021

As you may have learned in Using Video on Facebook for News Reporting, newsrooms are using video on Facebook in creative ways to report the news. And as we mentioned in How to Optimize Video-on-Demand on Facebook, there are many factors that influence how, when, and where videos show up on the platform.
On Facebook, newsrooms have the option to use a number of tools that allow you to better organize your video content. Below, we’ll explore these by showcasing how a fictitious newsroom - Mainstreet News - used these tools based on their objectives and goals.
Scenario #1:
Mainstreet News has created a 5-part video series about a recent government investigation in their local community.
Tool Solution #1: Series
The Series feature allows you to organize a collection of episodes that are part of the same content series. With Series, Mainstreet News will be able to organize its 5-part video series into episodes that can be shown in chronological order. By grouping all relevant videos into a Series, you make it easier for people to find all of the videos in the collection in one location, thus increasing your chances that they will view more than one video - in chronological order - at any given time.
How to Create a Series
To create a Series from existing videos that you've previously uploaded or with new videos, you'll use Creator Studio. Once in Creator Studio:
  • Click ‘Content Library’ and then the ‘Series’ tab.
  • Select ‘+ New Series’, selecting your page and adding a name to the Series.
  • Click ‘Add Episodes’ and choose from existing videos that have already been uploaded or upload new videos.
  • When you’ve selected all of the videos of your series, select ‘Publish Series’.
Learn more about how to create your own Series on the Facebook Business Help Center.
Real World Spotlight

Playground creates a show called ‘Hoy en el internet’ (Today in the Internet) and uses the Series feature to post and consolidate new episodes that belong to that content collection.

Scenario #2:
Hosted by one of Mainstreet News’ investigative reporters, the newsroom has developed a number of investigative video series across multiple local issues.
Tool Solution #2: Playlists
Playlists let you organize videos into groups based on common themes or topics. By allowing you to group videos in this manner, Mainstreet News could use the feature to create a playlist with all of their investigative reporting videos hosted by their investigative reporter. Grouping the videos in Playlists may increase the chances that a person will view more than one video if they are interested in the common theme or topic that’s covered in the videos.
Playlists and series may appear to be similar but, in fact, they are different. However, they do share the same discovery benefits.
How to Create a Playlist
To create a playlist on Facebook, you’ll use Creator Studio. Once there:
  • Click the ‘Content Library’ tab and select ‘Playlists’ and ‘New Playlist’
  • Follow the prompts to add your title, description and cover image and click ‘Add Video’
Learn more about how to create a video playlist on the Facebook Business Help Center.
Real World Spotlight

France 24 is using the playlist feature to group together a number of videos about the pandemics that have impacted the world throughout history.
Read Tools to Use with Video on Facebook: Bulk Features and Organic Video Testing to learn about some additional features you can use with video on Facebook to optimize your time and strategy on the platform.

Learn more about how newsrooms can use Facebook Live:
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