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Draw to Art

Doodle something

We’ll match it to sculptures and drawings in

Google Arts & Culture partners' collections around the world

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Let’s Get Started!

Draw with shapes on the left to discover matching artworks on the right.

Use the thumbnails along the bottom to browse your matches.

How does it work?

We used the Sketchy dataset to match doodles to paintings, sculptures and drawings from Google Arts and Culture partner's collections around the world.


Draw to Art was created by

Google Creative Lab, London

Xavier Barrade, Joao Wilbert, Charis Levonleigh, Rebecca Duff Smith, Daniele Buffa, Suzie Redfern, Pierre Buttin, Robin Fencott, Zebedee Pedersen, Justin Li, Steve Vranakis, Andy Kinsella

Google Arts & Culture Lab

Romain Cazier, Gaël Hugo, Cyril Diagne, Christine Sugrue, Bastien Girshig, Damien Henry, Elizabeth Callot

Kyle McDonald

Kyle McDonald, Parag Mital

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